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2015 Klop
2015 Klop
8', 4', 2', 1 1/3' in treble.
The 2' and the 1 1/3' are principal scaling
All wooden pipes
Keyboard is lower than on Wissinger, about 33" high; no problems with sight lines when used in middle of orchestra
Transposable to A392, 415, 430 and 440
Blower self-contained, relatively quiet
Excellent continuo instrument for oratorios and cantatas


2015 Klop Organ Keyboard

2015 Klop Organ Stops

2015 Klop Name & Date Engraving.jpg

2015 Klop Organ Side Screen

2015 Klop Organ Upper Pipes

2015 Klop Organ Lower Pipes

2015 Klop Front Screen
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